Thursday 17 September 2009

Chicago Lawyers Overcome Recession and Learn to Become Rainmakers

In former recessions the legal industry has weathered quite nicely. However, lawyers are finding this "great recession" is affecting them as much as anyone else. Over 3,000 attorneys have lost their job in 2009, with many predicting more to come. "There are three major challenges lawyers have: increased competition, the billable hour, and lack of knowledge about sales and marketing," says Stephen Fairley, CEO of The Rainmaker Institute, the nation's largest law firm marketing company that specializes in helping small and solo firms. The Rainmaker Institute will hold the Rainmaker Retreat, a two day legal marketing boot camp for solo and small law firms, in Chicago on October 16-17.

"Thousands of attorneys have attended our Rainmaker events and learned how to dramatically improve their marketing and business generation strategies," says Stephen Fairley, CEO of The Rainmaker Institute. "We present proven techniques they can take back to their office and implement with their staff."

Participants in past Rainmaker Retreats have discovered how to generate more referrals and find new clients fast by implementing the techniques shared during the Rainmaker Retreat. Topics covered in the retreat include:

  • Achieving Expert Status as an Attorney
  • Building a Strategic Referral Network
  • Creating Credibility in Your Practice Area
  • Secrets of Highly Successful Attorneys
  • Social Media for Small Law Firms
  • Leveraging Technology: Beating the Big Firms on the Internet
  • Generating More Clients Using the Power of Speaking
  • Advanced Technology Tactics for Small Law Firms and Solo Practitioners

Early-bird registration for the Rainmaker Retreat is still available for a limited time. A special VIP registration is also available for attorneys looking for more personalized attention. Registration information is available by visiting the Rainmaker Retreat website, or by calling 888-588-5891.

A sneak preview of the Rainmaker Retreat will be offered on Thursday, September 17 at 1-2:00 p.m. PT/4-5:00 p.m. ET or Thursday, September 24 at 4-5:00 p.m. PT/7-8:00 p.m. ET. Visit to register.

For more information on Stephen Fairley and The Rainmaker Institute, visit their website,

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